WBCR New Member Interest Survey Your First and Last Name Your Email I am a: Student Alumni EMPLID How did you hear about us? Student, faculty, outside Brooklyn College, alumni, social media, and etc. Graduation Date (If you are a current student, expected graduation date/year) Current student standing: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Alumni Major: Minor: (If you do not have one write N/A) What are you most interested in? Sports Broadcasting News bulletins, reporting Produce one's own show (elaborate on following question) Technical aspects of radio production Executive Producing Experimental broadcasting Events management and promotions Podcasting On-air music DJ-ing Select up to two From your selection(s) above, please choose three specific areas that best encompass your interests. A1- Field reporting A2- Engineering for sports broadcasts A3- Sports Broadcasting B1. News aggregator B2. News Contributor B3- Campus reporting C1- Producing one's own show will require a team and production plan. If you do select this answer, you will be asked to submit a 1-2 page document outlining the show's topic, format, team members, program description, and a sample run-down of the show. D1- Board operator D2- Live production engineer D3- Stinger, drops and sound effects specialist D4- Post-production specialist E1- Topic, Guest list management F1- Mobile broadcasting G1- Social media management G2. Social media engagement G3- Events Team H1- Talk-cast producer H2- Fiction podcast producer H3- Investigative podcasting H4- Experimental podcasting I1. Live DJ+ Talk format I2. Music + Talk format A- Sports broadcasting, B- News bulletins and reporting, C. I want to produce my own show., D- Program management, E. Executive producing, F. Experimental broadcasting, G. Events management and promotions, H. Podcasting, I. On-air music DJ-ing In no more than three sentences, please elaborate on your interests: Have you taken (or currently taking) any TREM. / TVR. Production or upper-level classes (3000+ level courses)? (If so, list the most applicable ones here): If you are a transfer student and have taken previous classes at previous institutions that may be relevant- please list them here: Is there anything else you wish to share? Submit Have any questions or concerns? Email us at wbcr.brooklyn.cuny@gmail.com